Blade Runner Blues (rain version)

Letting go of this climate prevention ride isn’t easy.
I have been sleeping a lot lately,
In an attempt to have at least some kind of recovery, mentally,
too much,
like my head is full of dimethyltryptamine the whole time,
like just waking up and your head still feels heavy …the whole time.
and what do I get when I do sleep? nightmares of a drowning world.

I have been dealing with this climate crap for a decade now, and even I can’t deal with it, to give you an idea.
Especially the distance with other people now, almost unable to have a decent talk with anyone any more,
the cultural, mental, whateverish difference has become that great …
It’s not that I didn’t tried,
I had a few talks with some old contacts recently, and they still hammer me with this “old” cultural thoughts, with hits under the belt even, in an attempt for what?
They can do whatever they want, all everyone gets from me is my genuine sympathy and compassion, when they act like that,
a Foreman hitting Ali in a way.

I have made my choice now, what’s happening from now on, I let go on moral grounds, old fashioned ones maybe,
in a world I see even that “evolving”, or better yet, denigrating …
I can’t even blame them,
just another way to keep your head above the rising water I guess.
And even if that techno fix arrives (don’t worry peeps, any time now …)
I kept on wandering, at what cost this time? In this “Molochian” global mono cultural experiment everyone is clinging on to it seems…

All because you can’t handle nature as your master?
just like I said,
count me out
